Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fall and Fallout 3

Fall is here. It's rainy and dark. I kind of like it.
This type of weather always makes me want to hunker down with a blanket and read a good book, or work on some long-neglected project. I have been feeling creative lately, and am trying to find the right outlet - there are some scripts I wrote in college for a screenwriting class that I always think about, but never dig out and actually work on. Also, I have some ideas for interesting artwork that i would like to try out. Unfortunately, I can never make up my mind, and usually end up giving up for the day to play some PS3 or Fallout3 on my laptop.

Fallout3 is the perfect game for me. It rewards exploration. I love games where I get to do whatever I want, whenever I want. I can just run around the Wasteland looking at the "beauty" of it all or I can work on my stats by just levelling. Or, I can do the tons of quests.

Last night, I noticed I had not explored directly south of Vault 101. So I just started running due south until I found something interesting. I ran into a village calling itself Andale. I knew right away something was horribly wrong there because the head honcho declared himself a Republican. YIKES. I almost capped him right there and then. Give me a Mirelurk over a Republican anyday. At any rate, being a pretty decent person, I maintained control of myself and let the guy live, despite the fact that I strongly suspected he was up to something. I did choose some of the more bitchy dialogue options when speaking to him however.

I don't want to spoil anything, but he WAS up to something. Speaking to the rest of the town , it was pretty obvious what was going on. Weighing my options (leaving the place altogether, or perhaps a little late night snooping), I decided that I would pick-pocket the Repuglican and see if he had a key to the locked basement on his person.

In the dead of night, when all good people are asleep and dreaming, I crept up the stairs to where Repub and his creepy wife lay sleeping. Interestingly, despite using my sneak skill carefully, the Hidden/detected meter kept switching from hidden to detected. Were the Rupubs only pretending to be asleep? Gathering my nerves I slowly reached out towards Mr. G.O.P. and pressed the "E" button. I rifled through his pockets and saw that he did indeed have the basement key on his person! SCORE! I was slightly disapointed to see that there was no well-worn gay porn mags on his person. Not very realistic...

Suddenly, the Smith's lept from their beds and came at me with knife and Shotgun! I had been detected! I have to admit that I was somewhat relieved at this turn of events, because everyone knows that self-defense is one of the only good reasons to blow someone's head off with an assault rifle. Fucking Repubs, look what you made me do!

Anyway, I brushed the blood off the basement key and hurried to the cellar for a look-see. It was just as I thought! Those bastards were _________!

HA! You'll just have to play the game and see what they were up to. 

I think I'm gonna go play some Little Big Planet now.

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